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Playing House Page 4

  “Put on my face?”

  “Whatever it is you do in the bathroom for hours.”

  “Very funny. Surely not what you do in the bathroom for hours,” she teased, rolling her eyes and flinging back the covers.

  “Look who’s the comedian now.”

  “Ha ha,” she said, swaying her hips in an exaggerated motion as she headed down the hall.

  Bel wanted to prove him wrong and quickly jumped in the shower. Her plans were thwarted, however, when she felt the hot water racing down her back. She wouldn’t have time to wash and dry her hair so she luxuriated in the warmth of the steamy stall. Grabbing her scrubby, she reached for her body wash, but at the last minute squirted his onto it instead. She loved the way he smelt—so clean and fresh—so Max. She kept a bottle of his body wash in her shower at home so she could smell him all around her. As much as the scent reminded her of him, though, it just didn’t smell the same on her skin.

  A little mascara and some lip gloss, she then pulled her hair into a loose bun and winced at her reflection. She still looked a bit tired around the eyes, but he said he liked her natural, so natural he would get. Pulling on her ‘good’ jeans, she then added a cotton sweater and a short blazer then headed downstairs to search out a cup of coffee. Max handed it to her as she stepped into the kitchen. She was getting used to the instant brew. Dare she say she even liked the consistent flavour of it? I love tea, but really… It’s 2012—who doesn’t have a coffee pot?

  “You look gorgeous, Bel. And in record time.”

  “Breakfast looks gorgeous.” Bel loved food, everything about it—the colours of the fresh fruit salad, the richness of the buttery croissant, it was making her squirm and the anticipation of the flavours were arousing her.

  “Sorry, love. Was going to make French toast, but got tied up on a call.”

  “Looks perfect, thanks.”

  “Eat up, I won’t be long,” he said, kissing her softly.

  “Aren’t you going to eat with me?” She didn’t want to whine. She could see him trying to come back to the bubble. When work intervened, as it often did, his personality often changed abruptly and it took Bel a minute to adjust. She wondered what it would be like living with that kind of moodiness on a regular basis.

  “Nope, I picked at the fruit. Have to get ready.”

  “Are we on a schedule?”

  “You know I like to be punctual.” He was halfway up the stairs before Bel could think of a smart-ass reply. She sat at the table looking out of the French doors at the leaden sky. She hoped it wouldn’t rain today, but it wasn’t looking good. She heard the shower running upstairs, but suddenly she felt like he was a million miles away. She wondered what it would be like when he left tomorrow for the conference. At home she fell into her routine to help ease the loneliness, but here it would be different. Never mind, you have a new place to explore. It will be fun.

  “You ready to go?” he asked, startling her from her thoughts.

  “Wow, that was quick and you look good enough to eat.” The fitted black turtleneck clung to his broad chest and the sculpted torso leading to his hips. The black jeans weren’t tight, but they fit him in all the right places. The same places that I fit him, Bel thought.

  * * * *

  The morning mist couldn’t dampen their enthusiasm as he drove her through the English countryside. So much to see and do, but Bel was just enjoying the simple green beauty around her. She found it hard to believe they were just a few hours outside London when it seemed they were a lifetime away. The narrow lanes wound their way through the small villages of thatched roofs and stone walls. As they climbed higher, he pointed up to the centre of a group of trees. Nestled within its midst, a fairy tale castle peeked out its lovely head. It even looked pink.

  “Oh, Max. It’s beautiful. Is it pink?”

  “Yes, my love, if you wish it to be.”

  “Oh, I am so excited!” she squealed like a young girl. “My first castle.” Max took her hand and smiled at her briefly, before returning his eyes to the road. She saw the upturned corners of his lips—her enthusiasm had caught hold of him. Her Max was back in the bubble.

  “I thought you especially would enjoy this one. It’s quite a fantasy place.”

  “Thank you, darling. I am glad to be able to see it with you.”

  The magnificent grounds rose up to meet them. Bluebells were scattered everywhere, poking their tiny heads through the verdant grass. The cool darkness of the forest and light rain made it seem preternaturally quiet and quite magical.

  “It’s so beautiful here,” she whispered.

  “Yes, it is. Why are we whispering?” he asked in a conspiratorial tone.

  “I don’t want to spoil the peace.” The birds cawed and whistled, as the tiny raindrops ticked their staccato rhythm against the leaves. Max slipped his hand in hers as they walked towards the entrance.

  Reaching the drawbridge, Bel hesitated. She felt as though she was stepping into something bigger than a castle—through a more metaphorical door. She took a deep breath as though she was beginning an arduous journey rather than a day of sightseeing.

  Max looked at her and smiled. Tucking a wayward strand of her rain-wild hair behind her ear, he kissed her cheek then squeezed her hand and they walked together through the wide-open gate.

  They wandered through the monstrosity of cold stone, holding hands and stealing kisses. This is what she wanted—normal.

  He led her through a small alcove into a rotunda. The room was painted with birds and flowers in the Victorian style and the dark wood added a warm ambience to the cosy space.

  “This is the chapel,” he said almost reverently. “People rent it out for weddings now.”

  “It’s lovely,” Bel croaked. She bit her lip hard, thinking how lovely a wedding would be in there. She wanted to use her caustic sense of humour to cover her unease, but all she could think of saying was, ‘When we get married, let’s do it here.’ Somehow she managed to keep her mouth shut, swallowing her pain like a bitter pill.

  Weddings! What the hell am I thinking? I am trying to get him to up his game, but let’s not get carried away, girl. You know how weddings turn out for you.

  She thought of Candace, at home with her mother, and wished she could give her a more ‘normal’ life, too. Candace’s dad didn’t come around much, but then, that was probably a good thing.

  “Bel, you still with me?” Max asked, the concern evident in his gaze.

  “Yes, darling, sorry.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply. A small whimper escaped her lips as she pulled at his hair, trying to bring him closer still. God, I love this man! she thought as her fickle emotions switched gears once again.

  “Let’s go home,” he said, his forehead resting against hers. Their bodies barely touched, but Bel felt the current of electricity running between them. It wasn’t lust but the desire to be intimate that called to them now.

  They made the drive back to the house in an easy silence. They hung their wet coats and left their shoes by the door before heading to the kitchen for lunch. Max put on the tea kettle while Bel heated the Cornish pasties they had picked up on the way home. Even though it was late spring, the chill had seeped into Bel’s bones and she drank her tea greedily, letting the heat comfort her. She was thinking a nap under the down comforter was a lovely plan.

  “So, can I fuck you now?”

  Max’s boldness made her stomach clench as the plans for a nap faded from thought.

  “My Max, such a romantic.”

  “Hey, I did a lot of ’romance’ today.” His soft laughter filled Bel with so much happiness.

  “Yes, my love, you did. I am proud of you. As a reward, you may fuck me now.”

  Max laughed heartily as he rose from the chair and stretched out his hand.

  “A reward for whom, my sweet woman?”

  Bel rolled her eyes and shook her head. He was so pompous sometimes, but she liked his teasing. She insiste
d he take the stairs first. She wanted to ogle his ass for a change.

  “You go on and get undressed. I’ll be just a minute,” Bel called sweetly from the guest room. She rummaged through her suitcase looking for the perfect outfit. Pulling the leather harness out, she thought, Why not? Strapping herself in was a bit complicated. She carefully arranged the bodysuit to try to cover her naughty bits. She slid her hand over her tummy, the leather smooth and warm against her palm. The underside was a bit rougher on her skin, constricting her breasts and diving down though her legs, closing her sex off to him. Attaching the leash through the brass ring at her neck, she looked into the mirror and giggled. Okay, channel your inner Dom, girl. Giggling, she wobbled on her stiletto heels and opened the door.

  “Are you ready?” she asked, her voice unsure.

  “I think so— Ready for what…?”

  Bel watched his eyes light with surprise when she strutted into the room. She stood in front of him and, with her head down, offered him the leash.

  “On your hands and knees, bitch,” he commanded sternly.

  Bel forgot all about being in charge as the excitement raced through her veins. She liked it when he was rough with her and she waited for his lead.

  Max pulled on the leash and brought her head higher.

  “Look at me.” He didn’t raise his voice, but dropped his tone an octave and his words caressed her with their understated power.

  Bel raised her eyes and gave her best impersonation of a submissive look that she could. She didn’t have a submissive bone in her body, but she liked giving it all up to him. It made her feel so protected—and free.

  “Suck my cock,” he barked.

  Bel took him into her mouth without hesitation. The deeper she drew him into her throat, the harder he yanked on the leash. He was holding her back to delay his own pleasure. Bel struggled to remember to breathe. The collar, the leash and the girth of his thick shaft were all jockeying for position in her airway.

  “Harder, baby. Suck me harder.” Max wrapped his hands in her hair, pushing her head in time with his own rhythm.

  “So good, when you suck me like this. You dirty bitch, you like it, don’t you?”

  Bel responded with a moan, then a deep breath as he pulled her head back and her mouth off his cock.

  “Stand up. I am going to fuck you, hard.” Max unhooked the leash and tossed it to the floor. He fumbled with the straps of leather.

  “Help me get you out of this thing!”

  Slowly, Bel began unravelling the puzzle. “What’s the matter, baby? You want to fuck me right now?”

  “Yes,” he said without hesitation.

  “And what if I make you wait, hmm? Like you made me wait,” she said while toying with one of her now exposed nipples.

  “Bel,” he said with warning in his voice, “you know I have no patience when it comes to touching you…”

  Bel placed her hand in the centre of his chest and moved him towards the bed. Once he had reached the edge, she pushed until he fell to the mattress.

  Bel stepped back and spread her legs. She pulled the now damp leather from between her thighs and tossed the harness to Max. He lifted the darkened hide to his nose and inhaled deeply. Propped up on his elbows, he watched her.

  Bel cupped her breasts and lifting them, squeezed them together. Her hands caressed her flesh gently, sliding slowly over where the straps had raised the pink on her pale skin. Her nipples, just as pink, were puckered and she pinched at them, twisting between her finger and thumb.

  Max moaned and began to sit up.

  “Uh-uh, no, no, no. You stay right where you are.”

  Bel smiled wickedly, watching his cock dance against his belly.

  Reaching between her legs, she pushed her fingers into her cunt. The sound of her wetness echoed in the quiet of the room. She moaned, feeling the soft pulp of her spot. Pushing and stroking, she knew she was not going to stop. Through half-closed eyes she watched the desire on Max’s face turn to an almost pained expression. She knew he wanted to stroke his shaft, but she gave him the look that said, ‘Don’t you dare.’

  She was so close, the pressure filling her to overflowing, her sweet juices rolling down her thighs. Max licked his lips and took a deep breath. She knew he could smell her. Letting her thumb slid against her slippery clit, she pumped hard until she could take no more. Bel screamed as the orgasm hit her forcefully and she pulled her fingers from inside her, letting Max see the moisture dripping from her core.

  His groan, like a wounded animal, drove Bel from her afterglow. She walked towards him, swaying gently. Bel crawled between his legs.. He reached for her, but she pushed his hands away.

  Straddling his hips, she looked at him, enjoying the moment. She usually ended up distracted long before now and was secretly enjoying his distress.

  She leant down and kissed his mouth, letting her breasts drag across his chest. She positioned herself so the head of his cock rested at her opening.

  “What do you want, baby?” she asked softly and kissed him. “Huh? What do you want?” She kissed him again and drew back, looking at him. She wanted him to say it.

  “Tell me, Max. Do you want me to fuck you now?”

  Max moaned, his head moving on the pillow, his eyes glistening with pure need.

  “Come on, baby, tell me what you want.”

  “I want you!” he cried in release, “I just want you.” He pulled her head to him and kissed her hard.

  Bel pushed her hips down, letting his thickness fill her. The feeling of fullness was all she needed to thrust her into another orgasm. Her muscles convulsed around his shaft, squeezing him tightly. Gathering her wits, she began to move slowly. The feel of his silky hard heat sliding in and out of her channel was exquisite. Bel was so sensitised she felt every nuance, like a hair’s breadth of air caressing her skin. The momentum building already, she had no desire for the slow burn today. Moving faster, she ground her sex into his pelvis, the coarse hairs there scratching her sensitive flesh. Bel’s world began to unravel.

  Max grabbed her hips. His fingers dug sharply into her flesh as he pushed her harder and faster, dragging her swollen clit along for the ride. She could no longer think. It was the moment she’d waited for—to step outside of everything and just feel. To let it be okay, without shame or worry or the need for anything, but allowing herself to feel it all. She no longer felt the mechanics of what was happening to her body, only the pleasure that was enveloping her completely. She looked at him, but she couldn’t see his face. She could see his soul. His fears, his hopes, his love for her, and Bel took it. Without worrying about selfishness, she took it and let it fill her.

  Bel screamed as the overwhelming power of the moment filled her. Max pushed his hips up and buried himself to the hilt, spurting his release. As though watching from a distance, she heard his moans, saw his body jerking and felt the hot stream of his seed coating her inside, but her release took her to a place she had been before—a place where she floated outside of her body—a place called bliss.

  Chapter Four

  “Are you sure you can manage the drive home?” he asked carefully.

  “Of course. How hard could it be?” Her pride was trying to silence her common sense.

  “Well, it would be a lot easier if you were in the driver’s seat,” he said, laughing as she headed to the passenger’s side.

  “Oh right—left side of the road, wrong side of the car. No problem.” Bel chuckled and shook her head.

  “Bel, I can take a cab…”

  “No, I am perfectly capable. Besides, what if I need to go somewhere while you’re gone?” A twinge of sadness stabbed at her as she smoothed her hand down over his striped silk tie. “You look so handsome, someone might snap you up and I’d be trapped here forever.”

  “I don’t know which the more ridiculous thought is—me being snapped up or you not finding your way through anything.”

  “I’m pretty sure the part about me—but there will be
a lot of women in short, fitted business suits and ‘come fuck me’ pumps. You might not be able to resist.” Bel didn’t like to think about it, but she knew he was a man with a hearty appetite. They had dabbled in the monogamy discussion, but had not made any commitments.

  “True. I am sure knowing the woman of my dreams is in my bed waiting for me to return would encourage me to take up with a hot stranger,” he teased, kissing her lightly on her lips, then pushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “Get in the car, Bel,” he said, shaking his head in exasperation.

  “What?” she asked as he buckled her in.

  “You just don’t get it, do you? You’re a beautiful, intelligent, self-confident woman. Why would you worry that I would want someone else?” Max closed her door then settled into the passenger’s seat beside her. She pushed the conversation away from her paranoid mind and aching heart.

  Pulling from the kerb, Bel focused on the task at hand. She tried to trick her mind into believing she wasn’t endangering both their lives by driving down the wrong side of the road. Stay left, stay left, she repeated to herself.

  “Bel, we only have twenty minutes. Could you at least try and go the speed limit?”

  “I am—almost,” she added, her confidence fading as she reached a roundabout.

  * * * *

  He gathered the ticket from the car park machine and they headed into the station to meet his train.

  “Don’t be sad, my love. Just two and a half days and I’ll be back. Explore, have an adventure. You love to see new places.”

  “I know. I am excited. I just would rather see it with you.” She tried not to whine but was sure she was being unsuccessful at it.

  “I know, but I am curious as to your perspective. I wouldn’t want to cloud your judgement.”

  Why? she wondered as she clung to the hem of his coat. He wasn’t into PDAs unless it involved naughty, hot sex. It was good timing—they could take a break from the intensity of the last few days and sort out their feelings. The train headed into the station and Max kissed her briefly.