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Come To Me Page 16

  Hitting level ground with a loud thud, the pain was immediate and intense but, not wanting to lose any hydration, she fought back her tears as best she could. She lay perfectly still, afraid to move while she took a quick physical inventory of her injuries. Remarkably, it did not seem as though anything was broken. She couldn’t see well enough in the dense air to check for bleeding or bruises.

  I’m so tired. If only I could lay here for one more minute…

  “Mandy, get up, honey. You can’t go to sleep. You must keep going.” A familiar voice spoke in her ear.

  “Dad?” She could hear his voice as if he were standing right next to her. Maybe she was already dead and that was why he was there with her. That couldn’t be right. Certainly her dad wouldn’t be in Hell, would he?

  “I’m here, honey. I am going to help you but you must get up.”

  Her muscles trembling, she slowly pushed herself up, trying to gain a foothold. Her tears were flowing freely now, hydration be damned, as she turned to face her father. She squeezed her eyes shut, afraid to look at him in case it was a hoax. All the years of pain and guilt came rushing over her. It was almost more than Amanda could handle. What if he blamed her for his death? Her world was spinning completely out of control and she was powerless to stop it. Opening her eyes, she saw no one.

  “I’m over here, Mandy, by the pond. Come have a cool drink with me.” Her father’s voice coaxed her. She could barely make out his frame in the distance, but his voice was just as she remembered it. Fading in and out with fatigue and confusion, she tried to focus. Her father beckoned with a gentle wave of his hand.

  With pain wracking her body from her fall and her legs wobbly from dehydration, she slowly placed one foot in front of the other. The parched ground was cracked and jagged beneath her feet and the scent of sulfur, heat, and death assaulted her senses.

  She could see her father more clearly now, sitting on a stone near the water. He was smiling at her with love in his eyes. All these years of waiting to hear the truth from him, and now that moment was here. What if she really didn’t want to know the truth or couldn’t handle what he said?

  “Come on, Mandy, you can do it. You’re almost here.” His voice gentle, he continued to encourage her forward.

  “Daddy, I can’t make it. You keep getting farther away. Please come and get me,” her inner child begged her father for help.

  Her father repeated firmly, “You must do this on your own.”

  “I can’t. Please help me, Daddy.” Amanda looked down and realized that she was near the edge of the pond. The hole was much larger than she had imagined and now her father was on the opposite bank.

  “Mandy, you need to swim to me. It’s the only way. You can do it, honey.” His voice sounded so loving and persuasive, she thought to herself.

  Looking at the vast expanse of black water, she knew that even an Olympic medalist couldn’t make it across that water. Not a good swimmer to start with, this would take more skill and energy than she had left to give. Deep inside, she also realized that it would not bring her any closer to her father.

  “Daddy, I can’t make it. I will have to go around. I’m so scared. Please wait for me.” She felt like a child again. Before this misadventure, she had been strong and courageous. Now she wanted the daddy who had left her much too early in her life to coddle her.

  “Don’t you want to try at least? I do not know how long I can stay. At least cool off while we’re here.”

  Something didn’t seem right about this but in her current state of mental confusion Amanda couldn’t put her finger on what bothered her. Bowing her head in acquiescence, she closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Everything depended on her thinking clearly to avoid the traps Loki had set. She understood that she was letting her emotions cloud her judgment. Lifting her head and standing tall, she opened her eyes to see what was real around her.

  Her surroundings had changed: the sand was hot under her bare feet and the blue water sparkled as the sun shone down from a cloudless blue sky. A seagull flew overhead, crying out to anyone who would listen. Walking closer to the water’s edge, she was again disoriented. She remembered her father taking her to the beach on a day much like today. She was so thirsty. In her mind she knew this was a trick but it looked so tempting. Surely, a little dip in the crystal blue water wouldn’t hurt. What’s the worst thing that could happen?


  All Cameron could do was watch in horror as Amanda stepped closer to the Lake of Death. Loki had arranged for him to have a bird’s eye view of her every move. The reflecting pool’s wavering surface made it difficult for him see anything in focus. Reaching out to touch her mind, he found nothing but emptiness.

  He would never be able to live with the guilt if he caused her death. The air hung heavy, still, and quiet with not a tortured soul in sight. He was alone in Hell with his agony. The darkness enveloped him; the only light came from the scene playing out before him. If there was anything, anything at all that that would save her, he would gladly give in to Loki’s demands. Peace filled his soul as he realized that he would even willingly remain cursed if that was what it took.

  “Okay, Loki, you win. I will do anything you ask. Please spare her.” Pleading aloud, he rested his head between his hands, his elbows propped on his knees. Even with all his years as a warrior, he had never felt a defeat as terrible as this before.

  “Do you hear me, damn it?” Cam’s hoarse cry was filled with anger. He stood at the rim of the reflecting pond, shaking his fist as if it might make a difference.

  Never having begged for anything before, he found it a humbling experience. He didn’t care anymore. If he had to get on his knees in front of everyone in all nine realms to make amends, he would do it to keep Amanda safe.

  Gods, he loved her! Life without her would make an eternity seem like, well, an eternity. Just then, someone or something touched his arm. Jerking around quickly, he almost knocked Helena to the ground.

  “Cameron, come with me, hurry! It is my watch and I cannot afford to be caught.”

  He looked at her outstretched hand as though she were a leper. He was afraid that she might trick him, but what choice did he have? He took her hand and, next thing he knew, he was standing near Amanda on the bank of the Lake of Death. He was close enough to see the look of longing in her eyes as she visualized her father and the beautiful beach before her. She stood on the shore of the murky lake, poised to walk into the water. Helena held him back by the arm, raising a finger to her lips. She waved her hand and placed a gate in front of Amanda.

  “The gate charm will not last long. The curse has also weakened my magic. You must work quickly to convince Amanda to walk away from the lake with you. She may not recognize you or she might be too frightened. Please handle her carefully. Now, I must go.”

  He reached out to Helena. “Wait! Why are you doing this?”

  “I care about Amanda, too. Your love for her and hers for you is what made me take this risk. Don’t let me think I have made a mistake.”

  He was humbled by her unexpected help. “Thank you, Helena.”

  Cam turned back to Amanda. He moved to her slowly, careful to make no noise. He pushed hard at her mind, but found no entrance. Standing quietly beside her, he could feel her fear, need, and confusion. It looked like his Amanda on the outside, but her eyes were vacant and flat. He wondered if this might be another of Helena’s tricks.

  “Amanda?” His voice was soft and comforting. “Sweetheart, I’m here to take you home.”

  She did not move or speak; she was barely even breathing. He cautiously reached for her hand, just touching, but did not grasp it. Still, there was no reaction. He wanted to scream in frustration, to grab her and shake her until she came back to him. He was so close, there just had to be a way. He gently tugged on her arm to pull her away from the water, but she would not budge.

  “Amanda, please listen to me. I’m going to help you. You must trust me.” His soft coaxing was met with
stony silence.

  “Damn it, Amanda, listen to me! We have to go. Now! Your life is in danger.” Cam wrapped his arms around her to pick her up. She clawed at him ineffectually, hissing obscenities, but he wouldn’t let go. He strained with all his strength and still could not move or lift her. She punched and kicked repeatedly. As she grabbed his hair and pulled his head back violently, he noticed the gate between them and the water fading away.

  “Stop struggling. I’m going to let go of you very slowly.” He carefully released his grip to calm her. Her eyes remained unfocused and he could see that her fear was out of control. She jerked her hand away from his. Her body twisted and she screamed as she lost her footing and fell head first into the death-filled water.


  Heads, arms, and legs erupted from the surface of the water all around her. Hands flailed, reaching out to touch her. They pulled her under by her hair, letting her up only long enough to gasp for breath as she choked on the fetid water. Their hideous faces were full of envy and desire as they passed her along from soul to soul ever farther from shore. Amanda tried not to panic and knew she had needed to remember what Fenny had told her.

  She couldn’t even remember how she ended up in the water. The last thing she remembered was—her dad. Oh God! She had been with her dad. Or had she? Her head was spinning as she plunged into the dank water, fighting valiantly to keep from drowning. As if that wasn’t enough, Cameron called for her frantically in her mind.

  The water shifted as she felt Cameron dive into the lake and push aside the clamoring souls.

  “Hold on, baby. I’m on my way. Just keep your head above the water. Don’t give in. They can’t take you if you don’t let them.”

  “Easy for you to say,” she screamed over the unceasing moaning and thrashing. “They’re not trying to kill you.”

  “They’re not trying to kill you either, they just want to feel the life inside of you,” he shouted, clarifying their challenge as he stroked toward her.

  “Please hurry. This is really starting to creep me out.” Amanda felt the fight leaving her body. She was so tired of the struggle. The warm water now comforted her as she was pulled into it, deeper and deeper. No longer afraid, she actually welcomed the peace that the water and the limbs grasping for her offered. Her father was back, smiling and holding out his hand. She reached out to him with all the love she had been saving all these years. He called her name, over and over. His hand was so close, his fingertips just grazing hers, and she found that she was smiling and crying all at the same time. Finally, a strong hand grasped her, pulling her violently up and out of the water. She broke the surface, choking as the pressure changed and forced water into her nose and mouth.

  “No, Daddy, don’t leave me again!”

  She fought with all her strength, trying to return to the watery grave.

  “Let me go! I want to be with my daddy! I deserve to die, not him. Please, let me go,” she begged in desperation.

  “Amanda, listen to me. That is not your father, it is a trick. You must trust me.” Cam pulled her face close to his and shook her slightly to break her hysteria.

  “You’re lying. You just want me to stay so I can break your stupid curse. You don’t care about me. Let me go! I love him!” She pummeled his chest with her fists as he clutched her tighter to his chest.

  “You are so wrong. I love you. I know that you love me, too. I will do anything to protect you,” he said with force and conviction.

  She mocked him softly, “You love me? Please, you don’t really expect me to believe that do you?”

  “Yes, I do. I have never said those words to another woman before.”

  “We hardly know each other and I…” Amanda felt the familiar surge of panic rising. She could handle Hell, but love was a different story all together.

  “We are standing in the stagnant waters of the Lake of Death because you promised to save me. Love must enter into this equation somewhere, don’t you think?” he added, smiling slightly.

  Dropping her head to hide her sudden tears, her voice came out as a whisper, “I suppose so.”

  He placed his hands on either side of her face and gently lifted her head to meet his gaze. Through her fear, she recognized the emotion in his eyes and could feel it in her soul. It would have to be enough for now. He leaned down and gently touched his lips to hers, and she could feel him pouring all his love for her into that simple kiss.

  And there in the depths of Hell, two people let love win.


  Once back on dry land, Amanda begged for a rest. The heat was taking its toll and, although it was noticeably cooler here, her dehydration was worse. Cam wasn’t sure how she was still moving under her own power. Remembering that she was a mortal, he let her rest while he devised a new plan. He knew there wasn’t any pre-ordained path to follow. When Loki was good and ready, he would let them find their way out. First, they would have to suffer through whatever else he had in store. As long as they were together and he was able to protect Amanda, he could face anything.

  “I am so thirsty. We have to find some water. I don’t think I can make it much further,” she whimpered.

  “I know, baby. I’ll carry you. We need to go a little bit further before we’re free.”

  “And then what? We walk away, just like that?” She seemed doubtful.

  “Not exactly. Come on, let’s keep moving and I’ll explain the rest.”

  Amanda stood and stumbled on her unsteady legs. Cam lifted her gently, carrying her close to his heart. She seemed ready to protest but just didn’t have the strength. He felt her arms circle his shoulders and he smiled as she buried her face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent. It felt so right to hold her in his arms. He wanted to protect her from the unspeakable evil that was all around them.

  “Amanda, there is something that I need to talk to you about. Please let me finish before you speak.”

  “Umm, hmm.” Amanda’s eyelids grew heavy as Cam’s walking gait lulled her into relaxation.

  “To end the curse, I will have to take your innocence,” he started carefully.

  “I know that. And there is no one I would rather give it to than you.” Her words were mumbled against his neck.

  “It will not be as easy as you think. My immortality brings with it some special…considerations.”

  “Mmm, I’ll Say. I have seen your special…”

  “I am serious. I want you to know that I had no idea that this would happen. That you were my True One.”

  “Ahh, that is so sweet.”

  “Because of these considerations, I must give you a choice. A choice that I cannot make for you. When we make love, I will finally touch my immortal soul and find my true self through you. Once this happens, I will need to merge with you completely. Do you understand?” Cameron was trying hard to explain all this to her clearly.

  “Yes, I love you, too. I’m ready. I would like a bath first though.” She smiled up at him coyly, dropping her gaze in embarrassment.

  “Shh, listen to me, sweetheart. When this happens, I will have an undeniable urge to take your blood and exchange it with mine. Without a complete merge I will never be free.”

  “I…I don’t understand.” She looked at him with troubled eyes.

  “I will nip at your beautiful neck and drink your essence. Then I will allow you to drink of me.”

  He didn’t want to make light of the situation, but he knew she was still foggy from fatigue.

  “Guess, I shouldn’t have read all those vampire romances. I could have sworn you said that you were going to drink my blood. Isn’t that crazy?”

  “That is what I said,” he continued patiently. “I am not a vampire though. I was made immortal from the blood of my ancestors through birth. Once I find my True One, I must pass my immortality to her to survive.”

  “Put me down! You’re scaring me!” Amanda squirmed in his arms.

  “Amanda, it is okay. I will not hurt you. Please allow me
to carry you.”

  “No! Put me down, I can manage.”

  Cam gently set her on her feet. He understood her fears, but he couldn’t help feeling sad that she didn’t trust him.

  Amanda sat down on a nearby rock. Hanging her head, she began to laugh. The more she thought about the whole situation, the louder she laughed. She saw Cam step toward her in concern and she held up her hand to keep him away. Her laughter quickly segued to tears as the heat, fatigue, and betrayal finally overwhelmed her.

  In all her wildest dreams, and some of them had been pretty wild, she never imagined that she would fall in love with an immortal blood sucker and follow him to Hell. It was beyond incredulous all the twists and turns that had led her to this very moment.

  She watched him as he paced a few feet away. It was obvious he was beating himself up as she heard him mumbling. Amanda knew she held the key to stopping his anguish and her own. There were so many unanswered questions tumbling in her head. Would she become immortal? What if they had children? Would they be human? Would she have to drink blood? There was only one question that seemed to matter. If she didn’t go through with it, how would she ever be able to give Cameron up?

  Chapter Sixteen

  Lilah retreated into her mind, drawing on her mental connection, and watched Peter Kimball MacKenzie lock the front door of his junk shop and head toward the back room. Lifting the braided rope, he passed through the dusty red velvet curtains and walked toward the mirror. Staring into the shiny glass, his hands firmly grasping the frame, he took a deep breath before closing his eyes. The long tree-lined drive to Folkvang was reflected in the glass.

  Lilah watched as his body began to change and take on its more masculine form—her immortal warrior. Slowly, the odd little man from the junk shop disappeared and in his place was the ruggedly handsome husband she stilled loved. She saw Peter stretch languidly. Being able to change his outward appearance was one of the gifts of his Fae powers. It suited him well throughout his life, but it was a burden to carry around another persona for too long. Lilah knew he was enjoying the feel of his more muscular body. Peter MacKenzie had been away too long—about five-hundred years too long to be exact. What would she say to him when she saw him? Surely uniting to save their son would buffer her anger. Hell, Freya would probably ban him again before he had a chance to see her. It had been long enough and, like a young girl, she felt the nervous anticipation fluttering in her stomach.